Sustainability Coffee Chats - Topic Suggestion Form
Hello, and thank you for your interest in the Sustainability Coffee Chats series! Please use this form to suggest topic ideas and possible speakers for future Chats.

The Sustainability Coffee Chats series was created to engage the University community in discussions around sustainability and climate action to increase awareness and encourage collaboration across campus departments and groups. University and community experts will present on a broad range of topics. The intention of this series is to create and foster an ongoing dialogue on a number of sustainability related topics among staff, faculty and students across campus.

To see past Chat topics check out our webpage!

We want to hear from you!

Please reach out to Sustainability Coordinator, Carley Rice -, with any questions. 
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What is your affiliation with the University of Minnesota? *
Have you previously attended a Sustainability Coffee Chat? *
What topics would you like to see covered in future Sustainability Coffee Chats?
Do you have any suggestions for speakers for future Sustainability Coffee Chats? 
Any other comments
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