Coach Fast Track Scholarship Application
Kirk is giving away scholarships to Coach Fast Track!
To be considered you must complete this application in full prior to his webinar on November 15, 2024.
If you need details about what Coach Fast Track is about, you can read more at:
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Email *
Phone Number *
Your Name *
1. Why do you want to improve your Coaching skills? *
2. Who do you want to Coach and why? *
3. What obstacles have you faced in getting your Coaching program, content and skills pulled together? *
4. What inspired you or motivated you to pursue this type of work? *
5. Describe in detail what areas you hope to understand better and be trained in?  *
(coach content, listening skills, problem solving, intuition, mindset techniques, marketing, sales, presentation skill, leadership)
6. What skillset or education do you have that will support you in being a great coach? *
7. What life experiences have impacted you or influenced you that have prepared you to be a coach? *
8. Name 3 people that would speak highly of you and support your decision to become a coach. *
9. What could stop you from completing this training? *
10. Why are you the best choice to receive a Coach Fast Track Scholarship? *
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