Dinner and a Movie with "The Chosen" - Season 4
Discover a new and exciting way to learn about the life of those chosen by Jesus to follow Him and start a revolution that has lasted thousands of years. Join us for dinner and a movie on Friday nights at the Our Lady of the Ridge Campus, beginning Friday, May 10 at 7pm. Enjoy dinner and an episode of "The Chosen" - Season 4 - followed by group discussion. If you missed Seasons 1-3, catch up at https://watch.thechosen.tv/.


Date: Every Friday May 10 - June 28
Time: 7:00pm - 9:00pm
Location: 10859 S. Ridgeland, Chicago Ridge, IL 60415 (Rooms 3 & 4)
Contact us at: olorstlgoodnews@gmail.com

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