Welcome 👑
My 1:1 mentorship is for the woman who is ready to stop sabotaging her potential and show up like a BADASS BITCH (aka... confidently, authentically and fully in her power) in her work, her relationship and her whole damn life! After reviewing your application, I'll send you an email to setup a clarity call so I can get to know you and figure out if we would be a good fit. 

Please only apply if you are ready to start, now!

For 1:1 Confidence Coaching packages, you receive:
  • Confidence Coaching via a 60 minute video call bi-weekly or monthly based on package
  • Confidence Coaching via Voxer with me bi-weekly or monthly on your chosen day for extra support + accountability in your pocket
  • homework / journal prompts to build up your confidence every week
  • my guidance, love and intuitive support for the duration of your experience
  • Human Design Reading included with all coaching packages
  • Access to the Self(ish) Sisterhood for the duration of your experience
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Name (first & last) *
Email Address*
Instagram handle?
Where do you live / time zone?
Phone Number
Biggest goal right now? 
What do you think is holding you back from achieving that goal?
Why is now the time to take action?
Have you ever worked with a coach before? If so, please share details below.
Which service(s) are you interested in??
If you're looking for 1:1 Coaching, are you looking for 3 or 6 months?
Anything else you feel called to share with me before our call?
Before your application can be considered, please agree to the following terms: I (applicant named above) agrees to be 100% open and coachable. I agree to be fully present on the call, to listen intently and to come prepared financially.  *
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