Honor and Memorial Gifts
If you wish to leave a lasting memory of a loved one or would like to honor a special person in a distinctive way, a monetary donation can be made to the library. The donation will be used to benefit the library, or a book can be purchased in honor/memory of someone and fitted with a bookplate of recognition. Furthermore, an acknowledgment card can be sent.
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Amount you are donating:
Checks can be made out to Milton Public Library and mailed to the library at Milton Public Library, 430 E. High St., Milton, WI 53563.
Your Name
Home Phone and/or Email
Who are you honoring or remembering?
If you wish to have a book purchased in memory of someone, staff will choose a book with a subject of your choice:
Would you like someone (i.e., a family member) to be notified of your donation?
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If yes, please provide a name and address.
Any additional notes or comments about the donation?
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