1:1 Coaching Interest Form
Hi beauty, help us understand where you are coming from so we can best serve you in 1:1 coaching. It takes courage to move forward and even more to ask for help. We're so glad you're here and we look forward to serving you! 

After you submit this form, one of us will reach out within 48 hours to schedule a 30 minute consultation 1:1. We'll share how we can serve you, go over logistics, and we can both determine if we are a good fit for one another. If we decide we're a good fit, you'll be journeying with one of us, not both of us. 

*Please fill out each question with detail and intentionality - it will allow us to have a better understanding of where you are coming from so we can help you! 

The best is yet to come! 

Talk soon, 
Maria & Meghan
Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
How old are you?  *
Which season are you currently in?  *
Do you live in the US?  *
How did you hear about The Intentional Single?  *
Have you received professional help before?  *
Please describe your experience(s) with your choice(s) above. Was it positive or negative? Why?  *
What are your thoughts/beliefs surrounding your self-image focused on? *
Do you know your mission? Are you currently in it or working on discovering it?  *
How worthy do you believe you are to be dating a good man? And if you are dating someone, how worthy do you feel in your current relationship? *
Not at all
I am worthy!
What are your beliefs about dating? Showing up to your life? The time you have while you’re single? Men? *
What do you think are the roadblocks that are impeding you from meeting someone you'd like to date, preventing you from having the relationship you desire, OR inhibiting you from living a life of fullness and freedom? *
Are there certain uncomfortable emotions (stress, fear, confusion, resentment, etc.) that come up frequently for you? *
What would you like to achieve through coaching?  *
At different moments in our life, we sometimes need different coaches. At this moment, do you have a preference or feel more of a pull to work with Maria or Meghan? It's important to us that you feel completely free to choose. We are both the biggest cheerleaders for you and for each other and we want you to work with whoever seems like the best fit in this moment. :)  *
Is there anything else not noted above that you would like to share with us?  *
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