Vision Zero Houston Pledge
No loss of life by traffic crash is acceptable and we can prevent people from dying on our roadways. Everyone deserves safe, accessible streets and sidewalks.  

No matter how you move around Houston, whether you drive, walk, use a wheelchair, bike, scoot, skate, or ride transit, we all contribute to safe streets. By acknowledging our role, we can help to prevent traffic deaths and serious injuries.

Join us in pledging to commit to streets that are safe and accessible, shared by everyone with appropriate driving speeds, no distractions, and no impairment.
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At least every other day someone loses their life in a traffic crash on Houston roadways and three people a day are seriously injured. This is unacceptable and I will help to end traffic deaths and serious injuries. *
Over 30% of traffic deaths are people walking and biking in Houston. Nearly 60% of serious injuries are people driving. I will safely share streets with everyone who may drive, walk, bike, use a wheelchair, or ride transit to reach their destination. *
Unsafe speeds are a factor in more than 25% of traffic deaths and serious injuries on Houston streets. A person is about 70% more likely to be killed if they are struck by a person driving at 30 mph versus 25 mph. I will drive at safe speeds. *
Drugs and alcohol are involved in 30% of traffic deaths in Houston. I will not drive impaired. *
Over 50% of deadly crashes in Houston involve dangerous driving behaviors such as disregarding stop lights and swerving across travel lanes. I will be mindful of my environment and I will not drive distracted. *
Add my name or my company's name to the pledge (this will be made public on our website).
Data in this pledge are based on crashes in Houston between 2014-2018, extracted from the Texas Department of Transportation Crash Records Information System. In five (5) years between 2014-2018, there were 1,096 crashes with at least one person who died and 5,591 crashes with at least one person who was seriously injured on streets in Houston.
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