Contact Form 2022
Yeye Agency supports the expansion of companies into new markets by establishing, developing new companies and providing market entry services such as market research, finding buyers for your products. After filling the form below, you will arrange a free consultation online meeting, afterwards, you will receive your tailor-made business plan and proposal.
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What is your name and surname? *
E-mail *
What is your telephone number?
Which nationality do you have?
Would you need any of these services?
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Do you want to establish a company or become a free lancer?
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In Which country do you want to establish a new company or become a free lancer? *
Type of the company *
What will be the activity field of the company? *
For Ex: Trade, web design, manufacturer.
How many shareholders will be and what will be their % of shares? *
(ENG) The partner of the company can also be a person or a company that is already active. You can determine the percentages as you wish. Each shareholder must invest investment capital as much as his share.
Anything else that you would like to mention?
Would you like to receive our monthly newsletter?   *
Would you like to have an online meeting?             *
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