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F# Survey 2017
490 responses
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About You
How long have you been programming (in any language)?
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How would you classify your day job?
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Would you say you have a strong math/computer science background?
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How comfortable are you with functional programming in general?
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What are your primary programming languages
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Your personal use of F#
How long have you been using F#?
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If you were using F# but have now stopped, please tell us why:
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How would you characterize your use of F# today?
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Development environment
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F# news and activities
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What have been the biggest benefits to you *personally* in using F#?
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What are your favorite features in F#?
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What features in F# do you rarely or never use?
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What are the F# tools and libraries that have made the most difference to you as a developer? (one per line)
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How do you learn F#?
What have you found to be the best way of learning how to use F#?
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What kind of training/documentation appeals to you most?
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If you are looking for training or learning materials, what format do you prefer?
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What kinds of learning material would you like to see more of?
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How can learning F# be made easier?
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What do you create with F#?
What kind of "published" code have you created with F#?
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In which domain(s) are you using F#?
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What kind of data sources are you using F# with?
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If you are deploying code written in F#, which platforms do you target?
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How do you use F# at work?
What is the status of F# in your workplace?
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Biggest benefits of F# at work
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What stops your workplace from using F# more than it does now?
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What could the F# community do to make it more acceptable to your workplace?
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How can F# improve?
What has been the most frustrating thing for you in *learning* F#?
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What has been the most frustrating for you in *developing applications* in F#?
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What do you think is F#’s most glaring weakness / blind spot / problem?
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Thank You!
How could this survey be improved?
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Any other comments?
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