Title I Parent Survey - Engagement Policy and Compact
Dear Parents and Family Members,

Lexington County School District One is committed to working together to provide the best education for your child(ren). We would like to have your input on the Parent and Family Engagement Policy and the Family-School Compact. Your feedback will be used to help evaluate and strengthen the services we provide to our families, students, and community.

For questions or assistance with completing this survey, please contact:
Lisa Harrington
Family Liaison
(803) 821-5519
Email *
Name of Parent/Family Member Completing this Form *
Select the grade level(s) of your child(ren). Check all that apply. *
Please check the appropriate statement below. *
Provide any suggestions or feedback below. The planning team will consider all comments during the annual revision of the Parent and Family Engagement Policy and the Family-School Compact. If you do not have feedback to share at this time, you may skip to the next question.
Are you interested in serving on the Title I schoolwide planning team? *
What can we do to support your child's learning at home? *
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