Oasis Farm Waterloo Volunteer Day: Saturday June 8 2024
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Please join us for the next volunteer day at Oasis Farm Waterloo on Saturday June 8, 10.00 - 2.00 pm. The farm will also be open for London Open Gardens that day, which offers a chance for people to explore unusual green spaces in London.
It's been a while since the last volunteer day at the farm. As ever, we’ll hand out jobs on the day depending on interest and ability - which will include planting seeds, weeding, cleaning out the animal pens, moving compost and sweeping the barn. There will be time to meet the animals and enjoy relaxing in our gardens. Under 18s must be accompanied by an adult. 

No prior skills are required. Make sure you dress for the weather and bring waterproofs/ sunscreen as appropriate – we’ll lend you some wellies, overalls and gardening gloves. Don't worry if you can't make the whole session, just let us know if advance.

Please note the farm will also be open to the public on this day for London Open Gardens - in prior years this has meant a nice trickle of people throughout the day coming to see the space. 
Once you sign up we'll confirm your place and send you more details. If you have any questions please email us at farm@oasiswaterloo.org
Please also let us know ASAP if you're no longer able to attend, so we can offer your space to someone on the waiting list.
Yours Agriculturely, The Oasis Farm Team
What's your name? *
What's your email address? *
What's the best contact number for you? *
If a friend or family member would like to come along too they're welcome (depending on numbers). Will you be coming as a pair or alone? *
Are you or someone you're bringing with you under the age of 18? (Please check all that apply) *
Are you interested in joining our regular volunteer team? You can find out more information here: http://oasisfarmwaterloo.org/volunteering/
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Thanks so much for filling in this form and your interest in Oasis Farm Waterloo. We'll be in touch soon to confirm your place.
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