Kalapriya Center for Indian Performing Arts Auditions
 Kalapriya Center for Indian Performing Arts is looking to audition troupe dancers, dance teachers and music teachers for its various school and academy initiatives.
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Email *
First and Last name *
Preferred pronouns
Date of birth *
Auditioning for  (multiple selections allowed) *
Describe your dance and /or music training- e.g. what styles are you trained in and for how many years *
Describe your dance and/or music  performance  & /or teaching experience below. *
What is your general availability in a week? e.g.- one weekday per week or two weekdays per week for how many hours. Please specify the days and the times in a week (including weekends and weekdays) that you may be available *
Video links (Troupe dancers: provide a video of your chosen dance choreography not exceeding 10 minutes), (Dance teachers provide a dance teaching sample class video for a 30 minute class) and (music teachers provide a music teaching sample class video for a 30 minute class) *
Additional comments/ questions/ concerns
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