Perspectives on Individuals with Disabilities on the Driving Rehabilitation Process
Dear Participant, 
Thank you for agreeing to participate in this survey. My name is Brittney and I am a third-year Doctoral Occupational Therapy student at Texas Woman's University. I am currently completing preparations for a capstone project I will be working on in the Spring of 2025. The capstone project is seeking to implement a hand control reaction time test program with a racing simulator and computer into the driving evaluation process at a clinic. As part of capstone preparations, I am performing a needs assessment of individuals with disabilities who are seeking to return to driving or begin driving. If you are someone with a disability who is not currently seeking to drive but are interested in driving rehabilitation, your response will still be appreciated. This survey will help me gain insight into the perspectives about the driving evaluation process from the customer's point of view. This information will help inform my capstone planning process and advocate for more standard and effective driving rehabilitation programs. 

State regulations generally require that an individual who has had a change in functional status affecting driving ability will need to undergo an evaluation to determine fitness to drive. A change in functional status can be due to a diagnosis, aging, or injury. This recommendation is typically done by a physician who refers an individual to a licensed driving rehabilitation program. This evaluation is typically done in two parts: a clinical evaluation followed by a behind-the-wheel evaluation. 

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Your responses will remain confidential and will only be reported in aggregate form. Your identity will not be associated with your responses unless you choose to provide identifying information in open-ended questions. Please be assured that your participation is voluntary, and you may withdraw at any time.

Survey Instructions
Please read each question carefully and respond based on your honest opinions and experiences. If a question does not apply to you, feel free to type N/A. The survey should take approximately 8-12 minutes to complete. 

Contact Information
If you run into any issues or would like to inquire more about this survey, please contact for assistance. 

Thank your taking the time to complete this survey. Your feedback is greatly appreciated and will help us serve this community better in the future.

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By clicking yes, you are agreeing to participate in this anonymous survey.   *
Age  *
Diagnosis/Condition *
Are you someone with a diagnosis/disability who is considering returning to driving or beginning to drive?  *
What do you know about the driving evaluation process, if any? *
Have you gone through the driving rehabilitation process previously, or are you looking to the process soon? If so, what assessments/tests are you aware of that driving evaluators use in the clinic? *
The brake reaction time test is a commonly used assessment in the clinic for assessing a person's fitness to drive. An image of the assessment tool is seen below. This test measure show fast you can move your foot from the gas to the brake in response to a red light. Your time is then measured in milliseconds and an average of 10 trials is taken and compared to a normative data chart. After hearing about this assessment, do you think this is important to use in all driving evaluations? If so, why do you think it would be important? *
Captionless Image
This is a picture of a type of hand control. Hand controls are mechanisms that help people drive with the use of only their hands. This is beneficial for people afflicted with conditions or injuries affecting functioning in the lower extremities. Please use this photo to help guide your answer to the next question.
If you are someone who needs hand controls to drive (such as the one pictured above), there is not a current standardized tool available to test this. How does it make you feel to know that the brake reaction time test can currently only be tested for individuals who drive with their foot? 
If you are someone who may need to use hand controls to drive (because you are unable to drive safely with your feet), what is the most concerning issue to you in regards to transitioning to hand controls to drive? *
Do you think testing a brake reaction time test for hand control users will be beneficial? *
If a driving program offered an assessment tool that could test the brake reaction time of hand control users, would you be inclined to choose this driving rehabilitation program over one that does not have a brake reaction test for hand control users? Why or why not? *
Thank for your responses. If there any additional feedback you would like to provide regarding this survey, please type it below. 
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