Join Now!
Simply fill in the form bellow to join now, or click the options above for a detailed explications about the type of involvement you are interested in.  

For more information about the variety of ways and levels you can get involved in, we have a website specifically branded for the "Job Creation Network", but the levels of involvement are applicable to All levels of the Unity Network, the WC.TC, and other related programs and projects.  Soon we will create a new involvement website that is not branded for the Job Creation network, but until then just use that one.

Link to More information:
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Organization or Individual
Contact Information
Email, Phone, Location, Address, Website, Facebook, name of contact person if you are representing an organization etc...
Please check the box(es) that best represent your involvement with the JCN.  I am a...
Details about your Involvement or Project (optional)
Please describe how you intend to be involved.  This could include a description of your skills, or at what level you would like to sponsor, or any other comments or questions you might have etc...
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