Playfight Academy
Thank you for your interest in facilitating Playfight.
Please fill out this form so we can get to know you and what motivates you to become a Facilitator.

At the end of the form you'll see the link to the document that illustrates the steps of the journey to become a Playfight Facilitator. Please take your time to read it.
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Email *
First Name *
(like "Michael" of Michael Jackson)
Family name *
(like "Jackson" of Michael Jackson)
Your Country *
Complete address: street, city and country *
Please add your country if it isn't in the list above
Whatsapp/Telegram/Signal number *
Please write your number, without spaces, including your country code (e.g. +39 Italy, +1 US, etc)
Facebook Profile URL
So we can add you to the Playfight Facilitation Facebook group.
Instagram ID/link
So we can connect with Instagram
Please paste a link to a picture of your face
This help us to form a human connection with you
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