Jumaah Khutba Feedback
Please help us in improving your Jumaah experience by giving us your feedback on the Jumaah khutbas you attended this month. Feedback will be anonymously (if you choose so) shared ONLY with Jumaah organizers and the specified Jumaah speaker. This month's form will be available till the beginning of next month. Thank you for taking the time to reach out to ICCH with your valuable feedback!
የእርስዎን ግስጋሴ ለማስቀመጥ ወደ Google ይግቡየበለጠ ለመረዳት
Which Jumaah Khutba did you attend? *
Please rank your OVERALL satisfaction with the khutba *
Not Satisfied At All
Extremely Satisfied
Please rank your satisfaction regarding the choice of TOPIC of the khutba *
Not Satisfied At All
Extremely Satisfied
Please rank your satisfaction regarding the CONTENT of the khutba *
Not Satisfied At All
Extremely Satisfied
Please rank your satisfaction regarding the effectiveness of the DELIVERY of the khutba *
Not Satisfied At All
Extremely Satisfied
Please provide any additional positive and/or negative feedback
Please make recommendations for future speakers and/or topics you would like to hear during Jumaah at ICCH.
I will make a donation to ICCH! In order for ICCH to continue its wonderful programs, we need YOUR support! Please donate to ICCH Educational Programs. Any donation of any amount made at any time is always needed and appreciated! Please go to https://bit.ly/iccheducationdonation
Please provide us with you name, number and email if you'd like to be contacted regarding your feedback.
ቅጽን አጽዳ
በፍፁም የይለፍ ቃሎችን በ Google ቅጾች ውስጥ አታስገባ።
ይህ ይዘት በGoogle አልተፈጠረም ወይም አልተረጋገጠም። አላግባብ መጠቀም ሪፖርት አድርግ - የአገልግሎት ውል - የግላዊነት መመሪያ