Registration for: 999 challenge

We invite you to join the 999 challenge!

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Si hablas español, regístrate aquí

Please note: the instructions for the challenge will be downloadable from the confirmation page after you submit your registration.

C20 is an official engagement group of the G20.

The C20 Integrated Holistic Health Working Group invites you to participate in and share the 999 Challenge with your network.

The challenge is to practice:

– 9 rounds of Surya Namaskar

– 9 minutes of Meditation for World Peace

– Daily for 9 days and then reflect on the impact it had on your life.

The challenge highlights how yoga and meditation can have a major impact on mental health and physical well being.

Participants of the challenge have reported experiencing positive changes in their life outlooks, energy levels and overall sense of well-being. This, in turn, contributed to an atmosphere of peace within their schools and families. 

Would you like to participate? The goal is to reach as many people around the world by the culmination of C20 July 31, 2023.  Register below to receive the instructions.

Thank you for participating!

We want to hear from you!

When you are done with your 9 days, let us know how you feel here.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
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Are you running the 999 challenge in an organization or business? *
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