Archdiocese of Chicago Committee on Scouting Coordinator/Counselor/Facilitator Application
Please fill out all fields so that we can verify your information and obtain approval from your local parish.  If you have any questions please contact Deb Sitz by email

You must attend a Relgious Emblems Training Session.  The next sessions scheduled are:


If you would like to schedule a one-on-one training before the next session, please contact Deb Sitz by email
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Address *
City *
Name *
State *
Zip Code *
Phone Number (Home) *
Phone Number (Mobile)
Date of Birth *
E-mail *
Marital Status *
Occupation *
Employer *
Parish *
Primary Scouting Position *
Scouting Unit *
BSA Identification Number *
Religious Background (Please check ALL that apply) *
Adult religious/faith continuous education: *
Parish/Church Activities: *
Scouting Background (List Positions with dates, locations, and awards): *
Community Activities, Civic Awards, Hobbies, and other Interests: *
Explain why you want to be a Religious Emblems Counselor/Facilitator: *
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