Youth Advisory Committee - Nomination Form
Please tell us about the individual you are recommending for the Code Savvy Youth Advisory Committee! 
Nominees should be age 14 to 17, of any gender. 
Here is the link to the Charter that may help answer questions you may have.  

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Ellena Schoop (Scope) at

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Your First Name
Your Last Name
Your Email Address
The name of the person you are recommending for the Youth Advisory Committee: 
Email address for the person you are nominating (if not self-nominating) 
If you are not nominating yourself, has the person you are nominating accepted this nomination?
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Have you been involved in Code Savvy programs, either past or present? (These include MNCodes, Technovation[MN], CoderDojo Twin Cities, and the Byte-Sized Challenge)

NOTE: participation in these programs is not required! 
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If yes, which programs (check all that apply): 
To your knowledge, has the person being nominated been involved in Code Savvy programs, either past or present?
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If yes, which programs (check all that apply): 
Tell us about the leadership qualities the person being nominated has:
Tell us what impact you (if self-nominating) or the person you are nominating feels they would have on the community by being a part of the Youth Advisory Committee?
Please add any additional comments or information that you'd like us to know / consider here: 
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