Pre-Order Bans Off Items
The purpose of this form is for our customers to pre-order and provide payment/pickup method for the Bans Off items we will be selling to raise funds and awareness.

60% of the sale of these items will be donated to All-Options Indiana and the National Coalition Against Censorship. Pete & Freddy's Pages Aplenty is committed to 10% of all July sales be donated as well.

We will contact you with your total, for method of payment, and to let you know when to expect your items.
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Please select the item(s) you wish to purchase. We will have a section for you to tell us quantity. Use the "Other" option if you would like to add an additional donation to your purchase. *
How will you be picking up your order? *
Name *
Contact information (Please also supply your address if we are to ship to you.) *
Desired Payment Method (select ONE) *
Desire Quantity of each item (if donating please include the amount). *
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