Ambassador Application Form
Thank you for your interest in the Velocity Driving Ambassador Program! Please fill out the form below to see if you qualify for the ambassador program. Please contact us via email at or DM us on Instagram @VelocityDriving
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Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Phone number *
Address *
Have you ever heard of Velocity Driving before? *
Are you comfortable promoting @velocitydriving on your social media accounts? *
Are you comfortable promoting @velocitydriving to close friends and family? *
Are you comfortable expanding your network and promoting @velocitydriving to a new audience?  *
If you are a student, what College/University do you attend? (If you are not a student, please respond N/A) *
If you are a student, what is your current GPA?  (If you are not a student, please respond N/A) *
What do/did you major in? *
How much time are you willing to spend working on the Ambassador program per week? *
Are you currently employed?  *
Do you have any sales or customer service experience? *
Do you consider yourself a car enthusiast? If so, what is your favorite car?  *
What are you looking to get out of the Velocity Driving Ambassador Program? *
Describe yourself in three words *
Please email your resume to with any other additional information you wish to include! *
Lastly, tell us about yourself! What makes you a great fit for the Velocity Ambassador program? *
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