Middlebury Vendor Questionnaire
Vendor Assessment Questionnaire for software, product and services evaluation

Introduction to Middlebury's Process for Vendor Assessments

We ask all potential vendors providing Software as a Service (SaaS) and other products and services to complete the following items.  These items and formal approval is required prior to acceptance and implementation of any contract.  

A Yes/No Security Survey (the "Security Survey") located at http://go.middlebury.edu/secsurvey;

This Vendor Assessment Questionnaire (the "Questionnaire"); and
We will ask you to provide documentation.  This documentation is detailed at the end of this Questionnaire for your convenience.  
Additional follow-up as required.  

We will contact you via email once we have received the Questionnaire and Security Survey.  This email will confirm our process and request the documentation mentioned above to ensure that you have a single point of contact within our organization.  We can, as a part of that interaction, provide a Non-Disclosure agreement.  

Your point of contact for this process will be within Middlebury ITS, Enterprise Architecture and Planning. You may contact us with any concerns at this email:  itsea@middlebury.edu 

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