Philly Queer Birders @ Tyler Arboretum Saturday, May 18th 9am
Join us on our first ever outing to Tyler Arboretum on Saturday, May 18th from 9am-11am! Spring migration will be peaking and we can expect to see all sorts of songbirds, woodpeckers, raptors and so much more! It's the perfect time of year to stumble across an unexpected visitor, so we'll be on the lookout. The arboretum has so much wonderful nature to offer, so we will be soaking it all in!

We will meet at the visitor center patio and slowly make our way along paved and gravel paths. There is one section of the path with a slightly steep hill. The visitor center has plenty of parking, restrooms, and a water fountain.

We welcome all people who enjoy birding and share our values. We'll have binoculars to share and no experience is necessary!

Registration is requested for each attendee and we hope to see you there! If you have questions, please reach out to
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