My First Book Registration
Dear young minds, we invite you to join our writers' community. Become an author and untie the imaginabilities.
Email *
Select a language *
Prefer the language category, you want to participate in.
Name of the Participant
Mobile Number *
Preferably with an active WhatsApp account
Email Address of the Participant
If applying for someone else
Select your Mentor or Mentoring Community  *
Mentors and Mentor Communities can guide you on how to and why to participate in our programs, they can also help you to participate in contest at a lower participation fees. You can also use promo codes provided by other channels too, to get discounts on participation fees.
Best time to reach you
We usually contact between 8:00 AM and 8:00 PM IST (UTC + 5:30)

Share your preference in [Day, Time] format
Example : [Any day, Morning]  [Weekends, Afternoon]  [Wednesday, 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm]
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