Welcome to "Over the Shoulder Editorial"
I am the owner of Over the Shoulder Editorial. It's a fancy name for my editorial and professional coaching and consultancy. Basically, I wear many hats related to writing, editing and public speaking: I am a journalist, editor, proofreader, writing coach and communications professional. Also, I am a trained fact-checker—a skill becoming more relevant and important these days.

I work with writers of all levels in both fiction and nonfiction and have carved out a niche assisting writers of memoir and life story. Other clients include small (and big) businesses, nonprofits, law firms, healthcare companies and financial institutions where I assist their communication teams with marketing and writing.

With more than 30 years as a news reporter, I have worked in newsrooms around the globe including CNN, the Associated Press, Gannett, McClatchy and the New York Post. I am an award-winning journalist having received accolades for my research on freedom of the press and journalist safety.

I hold a master’s degree in communication, a bachelor’s degree in broadcast journalism and a TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) degree. 

Since 2010, I have traveled extensively, working as a journalist and writer and have lived for periods of time in exciting parts of the world including Iceland, France, Morocco and New York City. I have done shorter visits to South Africa, Egypt, Malta, Scotland and other parts of Europe. I have driven across the United States many times too and have lived as a housesitter for more than 10 years (ask me about this!). 

Lastly, I wrote a fun (and very short=10-min read!) booklet that you can find on Amazon: "A Proofreading Companion: Tips, Tools & Strategies for Polishing Your Writing." 

Email me directly: jennifer@jenniferkarchmer.com

Learn more about my satisfied clients: http://www.jenniferkarchmer.com/clients.html

Here is my website with more info: http://www.jenniferkarchmer.com/overtheshoulder.html

To make an appointment for a FREE 20-minute consult by phone or Zoom, go to my online scheduler. Be sure to check that the time zone is correct for your location. Here is the link: https://tinyurl.com/y3myvgu9

To make a purchase of my proofreading e-booklet (sales support freedom of the press and journalism organizations), go to Amazon.com: https://www.amazon.com/Proofreading-Companion-Strategies-Professional-Proofreader-ebook/dp/B07PQNR5Y4 (It's just a few bucks and your purchase is much appreciated.)

Thank you. I look forward to working with you!

Jennifer Karchmer
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1) What is your first/last name? *
2) How did you locate my services? (check all that apply) *
3) What service(s) do you seek? (check all that apply) *
4) What is the length or scope of your manuscript or project? (Provide word count or best estimate please. One page is about 250-300 words.) *
5a) Tell me about your manuscript or project (e.g., website "About" page, I'm writing a book/memoir, company blog, PhD dissertation, technical writing, script/documentary, personal essay, journalism coaching, etc.). There's a lot of space so feel free to elaborate. *
5b) What is your overall goal in seeking a professional? Where are you "stuck"? Again, plenty of space here. Thx!
6) What is your estimated budget for this project? How much are you willing to invest?
Give ballpark.
7) Will you be able to provide a writing sample (if relevant) in MSWord for a more accurate quote?
Send to jenniferkarchmer@gmail.com
8) What is your deadline or timeline for your project? (Again, best estimate.) *
9) Would you like a FREE 20-minute phone consult with Jennifer? *
10) Where are you located?
I work with clients worldwide so please tell me your city, state, country and most importantly, your time zone. Thank you.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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