In accordance with Article 6 of the European Code of Standards, any individual or organisation that believes that a member of the European Fact-Checking Standards Network significantly failed to fulfil the requirements of the Code, if the complaint is not satisfied by the organisation concerned, can submit a complaint to the European Fact-Checking Standards Network for evaluation by the Governance Body.

The Governance Body won’t examine issues related to a single publication unless it consists of a significant breach of the requirements of the Code.

The complaint must be submitted through the following specific form:

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First name *
Last name *
Contact E-mail address: *
Organisation member of the EFCSN object of the complaint: *
Specify when the failure to fulfil the requirement of the European Code of Standards occurred: *
List the specific requirement/ requirements of the European Code of Standards that the organisation failed to fulfil: *
Specify the reasons why you think the specific requirement/requirements has not been fulfilled: *
Provide all the relevant links, documents, materials etc. that demonstrate the organisation object of the complaint failed to fulfil the requirement/requirements of the European Code of Standards: *
Have you tried to contact the organisation member of the EFCSN object of the complaint? *
Provide all the relevant materials and information to demonstrate the contact/the attempted contact: *
Have you received an answer from the organisation member of the EFCSN object of the complaint? *
If yes, why was it not sufficient to satisfy your complaint?

In accordance with Article 6. 1 of the European Code of Standards, the Governance Body can appoint a Complaints reviewer to assist with complaints received against the EFCSN members.

The main tasks of the Complaints reviewer are:

  1. To carry out a preliminary analysis of all the complaints and inform the Governance Body of any that are rejected because they are disingenuous, constitute harassment or are manifestly baseless.

  2. To carry out a preliminary analysis of all the complaints and inform the Governance Body of any that are rejected because they are disingenuous, constitute harassment or are manifestly baseless.

    1. To notify the member concerned, specifying the required correction and asking the member to comply in the following 7 working days.

    2. If the member complies, to notify the complainant about the correction.

    3. If the member doesn’t comply, to notify the Governance Body, which will evaluate the complaint.

  3. To highlight to the Governance Body cases of repeated or major violations.

In accordance with Article 6. 2, complaints will be handled according to the following procedure: 
  1. The Governance Body, when dealing with accusations of significant failures to comply with the Code, has the final word about compliance. To be valid, the decision on whether a violation has occurred requires a qualified majority of ⅔ of the voting members of the Governance Body. For the decision to be valid, the voting members must be at least 50%+1 of the total members of the Governance Body.

  2. Before the vote, the Governance Body must give the organisation accused of failing to fulfil the requirements of the Code the right to reply and defend itself, and seek the mandatory but not binding opinion of an external assessor (see article 5.4).

  3. The opinion of the external assessor must address any failure to fulfil the requirements of the Code, its gravity and a proposed sanction or a spectrum of applicable sanctions.

  4. The final decision of the Governance Body must be explained. The final outcome is communicated to the interested parties in the following 7 working days, and it is made publicly available in an “Annual report”. The “Annual report” must be published in the first 6 months after the end of the relative year.

  5. The whole Compliance procedure must be concluded in no more than 60 working days and the Governance Body decision will be considered final and binding.

  6. Governance body members must recuse themselves from assessments of their own organisations to avoid a conflict of interest.

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