FOSSASIA Advanced Developer Program
Thank you for your interest into the FOSSASIA Advanced Developer Program. The application to the program is open to any developer who successfully graduated in a previous FOSSASIA Student or Professional Coding Program, GSoC or has been a finalist in the Codeheat contest.

In the FOSSASIA Advanced Developer program developers continue their contributions in FOSSASIA projects as team members in an official role. Developers also become mentors for newcomers in the community participating in Codeheat and Google Code-In. If a local FOSSASIA developer group exists, developers support the group and work as a local contact of the FOSSASIA organization.

For successful participants of the program FOSSASIA will provide travel funding of 600 SGD to the FOSSASIA summit in 2018. Requirements of the program include to stay actively engaged in the community and follow the best practices we established during GSoC and/or other programs.


FOSSASIA Advanced Developer Program
September 10, 2017 - March 15, 2018


Eligible for participation in the program are developers who successfully graduated in a previous FOSSASIA Student or Professional Coding Program, GSoC or have been a finalist in the Codeheat contest.


* Establish yourself as an advanced developer and continuously improve your developer profile
* Get listed as an official FOSSASIA developer on team page and on personal Linkedin page
* Use FOSSASIA name cards as an official developer
* Receive FOSSASIA Swag
* Receive travel funding of 600 SGD to participate in FOSSASIA Summit 2018 (paid out in cash at the event)
* Free entrance to the FOSSASIA Summit and Social Event
* Be a speaker at the FOSSASIA Summit
* Official reference in Linkedin profile (In the final evaluation FOSSASIA also offers to provide a reference in the Linkedin profile of participants.)


* Continuous substantial contributions, pull requests, and code reviews
* Maintenance of cloud deployments of projects
* Participation in chats on the project channel
* Weekly scrum to the mailing list by Monday 10AM local time
* Weekly project update on Twitter and Facebook
* Monthly blog post by 15th of each month
* Organization of two developer outreach events or meetups (a) before November 1, 2017 and (b) before January 25, 2018 and support of local FOSSASIA developer groups
* Mentorship in Codeheat and Google Code-In program
* Screencast or video about the project by January 15, 2018
* Project presentation with Google docs by January 15, 2018
* Provision of a Gist with a list of the work outcome by January 25, 2018
* Project Presentation at FOSSASIA Summit


Project mentors and participants will provide feedback in two evaluations in the program.
* Evaluation Period 1: November 1-7, 2017
* Evaluation Period 2: January 25-January 31, 2018


Applicants will be informed about the acceptance in the program latest by September 10, 2017 by email.
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