Support Starter Kit - Feedback Survey #3 of 3
Thank you so much for taking the time to provide your feedback on our Support Starter Kits! Your feedback is important to us and the young adult community we serve. By sharing your thoughts, you are helping to improve the young adult cancer community support experience. This survey is anonymous (your identity and email are not associated with the final output from all surveys). This is your final survey. Once your completed survey has been verified, you will receive a $50 eGift card to compensate you for your time.

Note: You will not receive any other emails from us unless you opt-in. We do not share any information with third parties. 
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email address to send eGift card. *
What Support Starter Kit did you receive? *
Enter your Support Starter Kit ID Number (Starts with MB or RB followed by a three-digit number on the feedback card in your box. Please enter the entire number e.g. MB-123) *
If you identify as a patient/survivor/thriver, how would you rate the relative level of support you have received from your social network since your last survey? Enter N/A if this does not apply to you.
If you identify as a supportive friend, family, caregiver, partner, how would you rate your relative ability to support your loved one with cancer since your last survey? Enter N/A if this does not apply to you.
What items in the box have you viewed/used in the box so far? Select all that apply. *
Somewhat Helpful
Not Helpful
Not used yet
Welcome Letter
Supporter Roadmap
Informational Worksheets
Elephants & Tea Magazine
Bestie Bucket List
Fill in the Love book
Phone Timeout Pouch
Friendship Bingo
Conversation Starter Game
Friendship bracelet Kit
Uber / Uber Eats Giftcard
What did you like about the box? *
How can we improve the box? *
What resources would you like to see added to future box editions? *
Please share any additional feedback you have about the box or your experience with the box. Enter N/A if there is nothing additional to share. *
Are you open to joining a follow-up interview or focus group to share more insights and feedback? (You will receive a gift card as a thank you for your time). *
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