SCLL Spring 24 General Feedback
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What level did your child play?
Are you aware of the Sabino Canyon Little League website and Facebook pages?
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Did you have any problems or questions about the registration process?
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Did you feel like you had a good understanding of the league timeline for assessments, practices, games and special events?
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Did your coach clearly communicate expectations, practice and game schedules as well as league special events such as Opening ceremonies, Movie Night, U of A Baseball weekend and pictures?
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Which best summarizes your experience this season?
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What changes would you like to see regarding the REGISTRATION PROCESS?
What changes would you like to see regarding LEAGUE COMMUNICATION?
What changes would you like to see regarding TEAM COMMUNICATION?
What other league activities would you like to see added next year?
What is your ideal number of baseball events PRIOR to games starting?
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What is your ideal number of PRACTICES after starting games (2 per week)?
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What would you like to see changed regarding TEAM communication?
What would you like to see changed regarding the LEAGUE communication?
Do you have any other comments, ideas or suggestions that were not covered in this survey?
Are you willing to volunteer to be part of the team that builds the little league season and enables the kids to have a developmental and fun baseball season?
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