Registration for תשפ"ה 2024/25

All are invited to register for the coming year's annual classes: 
Classes begin on Tuesday Oct 29th right after Sukkot.
The annual program includes 24 sessions, and we will offer extra optional tours and Yemei Iyun for which there will be a separate registration and billing.
Tuesday programs (morning & evening) are open to all, Wednesday program is for women only.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Untitled Title
Name *
Cellphone *
Email Address *
Address *
Date of birth *
Israeli ID *

Please mark which class/es you would like to join:

Cost: *

Payment method for annual fees:


To complete your registration, after filling out this form – please pay the annual tuition: we ask that you pay touition in 8 installments via Israeli credit cards  (or 9 installment when registering for 2 classes)
 or contact Ayelet for either bank transer or foreign cards etc.

The links will appear after completing this form 

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