Alpha Beta Education Centres - Alumni Database
Dear Alumni,

We trust you are prospering wherever you are and staying safe and healthy.

We would love to hear about all the great things our wonderful alumni have been up to since you left Alpha Beta. Please fill in the form below to help us update our database and to help us to stay in touch with you. We also hope to create a digital database to help alumni to network and reach out to each other based on common interests. We will provide further details of this soon.

We look forward to hearing from you soon and to seeing some of you - do pass by campus whenever you are in the area. We would love to see you!

Thank you in advance for taking the time to keep in touch.

Stay safe. God bless you!
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Name *
Telephone number (including country code) *
Which country do you currently live in? *
Current Job Role/ School Status *
When did you leave Alpha Beta? *
Year of Graduation (If you graduated here)
Year and Grade you left Alpha Beta (If you did not graduate)
Where did you attend Senior High School? *
Which institution did you do your Undergraduate Degree? (Institution and Country)
What undergraduate degree programme did you pursue?
Which year did you complete your undergraduate degree in?
Do you hold any postgraduate/professional qualifications? (Please state the programme, the qualification and the institution you got them from)
What work do you currently do? (Please tell us your job designation and the company you work for or if you are self employed please tell us what you do. Please state if you are still studying) *
Would you be interesting in programmes collaborating with current students e.g. Mentoring, Guest Speaker, Work Experience *
Please tick which areas you would be interested in collaborating on:
Would you be interested in joining our mailing list to hear more about what Alpha Beta is doing both for current students and alumni? *
Would you like to featured in our alumni spotlight series? (Pre-recorded or Live Sessions) *
Tell us a bit more about the unique story you would like to share.
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