Denver Taiko Performance Request
Denver Taiko performs year-round for businesses, schools, conferences, festivals, and various other venues. Denver Taiko is a not-for-profit volunteer-based group, and our goal is to spread this cultural and musical art form to the Metro Denver community and beyond. Due to our volunteer-based nature, some performances are subject to certain restrictions. If you are interested in requesting a performance, please read our guidelines listed below and then complete this form for a request.

Some things to note about performance bookings:

*Because we are a volunteer-run organization, all Denver Taiko members are either working or at school during normal business hours. Unfortunately, we are rarely able to perform on a weekday before 6 p.m.
*Denver Taiko is often available on weekends and they fill up quickly in the summer, so we recommend submitting your request early if you are looking for a performance in the summer.
*The number of performers depends entirely on availability, and performances range anywhere from four to 14 performers.
*The cost of a performance depends on the amount of time you would like us to perform. Performances more than 50 miles from the Denver Buddhist Temple may be subject to a travel fee in addition to the performance fee itself.
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Email *
Name: *
Phone Number: *
Organization: *
Name of Event: *
What time would you like us to perform? *
What day would you like us to perform? *
How long would you like us to perform? *
Event Location (please include address): *
Please tell us a little more about the event and why you are requesting to perform. *
Please give a brief description of the performance space (approximate dimensions; inside or outside?; stage or floor?, etc.) *
How did you hear about Denver Taiko?
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