GRPC Animal Care Application
Fill in these questions as fully as possible. Once you have submitted your responses, the Education Department will reach out with more information. Please recognize that this is a high demand position, we will be in touch as positions open up! 

Thank you for your interest!

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Age (If not 18+)
Email Address
Phone Number
Days & Times Available for shifts (Weekdays 9 AM - 4 PM, mornings preferred)
What interests you about this animal care intern position?
What experience, if any, do you have with animals & animal care?
Are you able to commit long-term to this position? If not, how long did you anticipate volunteering with us?
Are there any animals you are nervous or fearful of?
If we think you're a good fit, what days and times would work best for us to give you a phone call to chat about the role and responsibilities?
Any other comments
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