Basketball National Squad Nomination Form 2017/18
Athletes will only be invited to trials if they have filled out this nomination form.
Please be aware that some sports may require you to fill out another, similar form, at a later date.


Saturday, 10 March 2018
Stevenson Building, University of Glasgow,
11am to 12:30pm

***PLEASE NOTE: The first training session for the Women's National Squad will be directly following the trials. As such, please be prepared to stay from 12:30pm to 2pm if selected.

By returning this representative form the nominee agrees to:

1. Adhere to SSS guidelines in terms of personal conduct while representing Scottish Student Sport.
2. Ensure payment for SSS representative activity has been agreed with their Sports Union or equivalent and is paid for at least two weeks prior to the event. Failure to pay will result in athletes being de-selected from the squad.
3. Abide by the Scottish Student Sport terms & conditions available at:

All representative dates, including trials, training and matches will appear on the SSS website: 

Squad lists, player information and up to date news will appear on our Facebook or Twitter pages so if you haven't joined do so now:

If anyone has any questions regarding this form or representative nominations please contact the SSS office on 0131 650 9654.

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Full Name *
Male/Female *
Position(s) *
Institution *
D.O.B *
Course of Study *
Year Course Ends *
Term Address *
Matriculation Number *
If you are at college and do not have a matric number please just enter 000
Mobile Number *
Current Club (student or other) *
Email Address *
Details of previous representative honours and sporting achievements, including dates *
Are you currently playing under a professional contract with your sport? *
To what extent will your Sports/Athletic Union/Department support you financially *
Next of Kin & their relation to you *
Next of Kin contact details *
Funding: the amount of funding you receive will be at the discretion of your own athletic/sports union/sports department, please ensure you discuss with them before you submit your application. Our procedure would be to invoice your institution for your individual costs should you be selected, however you must make them aware of your participation in any representative activity and agree a payment procedure.

Can I play for SSS if I don't play for my uni or college?: Yes, but your union might not support you financially, so please check with them.

By filling this in will I automatically be included in a trial?: No, trial candidates are at coaches' discretion.
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