Special Volunteer Sign-Up
Still Moon Arts Society would like to thank you for choosing to volunteer with us year-around. Whether you're new or have volunteered with us in the past, thank you for your interest! 

Most of our volunteer events are listed in our email newsletter. By signing up below, you are consenting to be added to our newsletter list and receive marketing emails from Still Moon Arts Society, 3690 Vanness Avenue, Vancouver, BC V5R 5B6, CA. You can revoke your consent to receive emails at any time by using the unsubscribe link, found at the bottom of every email.

How are Special Volunteer opportunities different from those in our Newsletters?

If you would like to get more involved with Still Moon, becoming a special volunteers is a great way to do that. We put a call out to our special volunteer list when we are looking for help outside of our main programming. For example, if we need last-minute help on a project, people to assist with running a public event, or someone to lend us a tool or volunteer their vehicle to transport supplies. (If you are only interested in volunteering for our main programs, please sign up for our newsletter instead of here.)

How it works: Whenever we have a special volunteer opportunity we will email the details to everyone on this list. If you are available and interested, simply reply to the email.

Our main form of contacting you will be through email, so please ensure all emails from StillMoonArts.ca and SignUp.com are not sent to spam.

If you have any questions feel free to reach out to info@stillmoonarts.ca.

Image credit: Alger Ji-Liang - 2022 Renfrew Ravine Moon Festival's Harvest Fair
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