2023 QCESC STEM Celebration Display Sign-Up
The STEM Celebration event is on Thursday, February 23rd, 2023 at The Bend Event Center, 1910 Bend Blvd, East Moline, IL.  A social will start at 5:00 PM with dinner at 6:00 PM. More details can be found at https://qcesc.org/stem-celebration/ 

Organizations or individuals wishing to have a display during the social hour need to fill out this form and submit.  Displays need to be setup no later than 4:45 PM in preparation for the social hour.

We are currently planning space for several displays outside of the main event space.  Given the arrangements, space may be limited.  Completion of this form does not guarantee that you will be able to have a display.  We are working with the facility to understand the number of displays we can accommodate and a final decision will be communicated on Feb 16th (one week prior). 

If you have any further questions on displays please contact John Koch, QCESC STEM Coordinator via e-mail at stem@qcesc.org.

Note:  You must fill out all of the mandatory fields as indicated by a symbol * at the end of the field name (example Your Full Name *) for the form to have saved and submitted.

This registration DOES NOT INCLUDE free access the food being served. All guests wishing to stay at the event for dinner must register at at https://qcesc.org/stem-celebration/

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Email *
Your Full Name *
(Example John Smith)
Phone Number (cell phone if available) *
(format XXX-XXX-XXX - would only use if can't reach by e-mail)
Organization you Represent or None *
Need Table Provided (~ 6' x 3') for Your Display? *
Need 120 Volt Electricity for you Display? *
Short Description of what you will have on Display with any questions or comments *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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