Catan Qualifier Event Reporting
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Email *
Venue Name *
Store name, convention name, or charity name.
Email Address *
Your email, should we have follow-up questions.
Venue State/Country *
Event Date(s) *
Type of Event *
Number of Players in the Qualifier? *
Winner Name & Email *
We will reach out to your winner to coordinate their attendance at Nationals. In addition, please send your entire list of rankings, names, and emails for ALL of your Tournament Players to
Second Place Name & Email *
In case your winner is unable to compete at Nationals.
Third Place Name & Email *
In case your winner is unable to compete at Nationals.
Fourth Place Name & Email *
In case your winner is unable to compete at Nationals.
Was there anything else notable about the event you would like to mention? (costumes, interesting tournament games, comments from players, etc)
Please send any photos to
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