New Haven Federation of Teachers, Local 933 - 2022-23 Curricular Needs Survey
The NHFT would like to know what you need and how we can support you in your work. To that end we would like to know what you have to say about the areas of curriculum below as you experience them in your school, so that we can better provide support. If you would be willing to spend 7-10 minutes of your valuable time filling out whichever of the fields and responses you choose to fill out (only the School and Grade Level Taught fields are required, and you can select "Other" if you choose), every response will be read by NHFT Education Committee members and used to inform our discussions with central office administration in order to create more productive, supportive and meaningful environments for learning.

Thank you in advance for your help.
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School *
Grade Level(s) Taught *
Please rate the following on a 5-point scale
1 Strongly Disagree
2 Disagree
3 Neutral
4 Agree
5 Strongly Agree
I have input into the educational programming I present to my students.
The educational program of my school serves students well.
I have the appropriate curricular resources to teach my students appropriately.
The curriculum is articulated to support engaged learning.
The collaborative planning time that currently exists at my school is used well
I am confident in my training and ongoing support teaching bilingual students
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Please rate the following on a 5-point scale. This is more for K-8 teachers, who see across the different curriculum areas, but high school people should feel free to fill it out, as well, if you wish. Given that there is a district curriculum in the following subject areas, for what percentage of time do you find yourself having to supplement with other materials?
Zero - 20 percent
20 - 40 percent
40 - 60 percent
60 - 80 percent
80 - 100 percent
English / Language Arts
Social-Emotional Learning
Social Studies / History
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What tech skill(s) would you like to learn/learn how to develop?
What curricular supports do you need that are in short supply?
What specific bilingual training would you like or support?
Discuss or describe the curriculum/curricula you are currently using (good/bad/possible changes to make, etc).
If you were given a magic wand and could change the school day educational program for your students, what would you do?
What other curricular or learning-related issues would you like to see raised or addressed, if any?
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