Crew Leader Interest Form
Thank you for your interest in taking on a leadership role as a Crew Leader with Depave! Crew Leaders help manage volunteers at depaving and Green Thumbs planting events~ 

Please fill out this form to let us know that you are interested in becoming a  Crew Leader with Depave. If you would like to be a crew leader this year, we require attendance at a training day, which will likely take place in January 2024. 
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
First name *
Depave event at NARA, October 2022. 
Last name *
Email *
Phone number *
Are you at least 18 years old? *
Are you able to attend the Crew Leader training, which will take place January 28 2023? 
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Are you able to commit to co-leading at least 2 planting/weeding work parties during the winter - spring site maintenance season? These will typically be on Saturdays, starting at 9 AM until ~2 PM.
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Do you have any other questions or information you'd like to share with us at this time?
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