C.W. Baker High School Records Request Form - Former Students  (Students Use Only) PLEASE READ
Use this form to request a Charles W. Baker High School transcript(s) to be sent to yourself or an institution and/or agency. Your request will be processed once you have submitted the form. Please direct any inquiries to the C.W. Baker Registrar, Jill Doerger, at (315) 638-6006 or email jdoerger@bville.org.
Please note:  Official transcripts can only be emailed/mailed directly to the school/employer.  Please provide the email/mailing address.  Transcripts emailed/mailed to you will be unofficial. 
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Student Name (Last, First, MI) while attending C.W. Baker High School: *
Purpose of Request *
Current Name (if different):
Date of Birth: *
Your Email Address: *
Year of Graduation/Last Year Attended: *
Enter complete name for the Institution/Agency to send transcript to below: *
Mail to Name and Address: (complete mailing address) 
Send to Email Address: (college/employer email)
Send to Fax Number:
Signature Page
By digitally signing and dating below, you are authorizing the release of your official records to the Institution or Agency above.
Today's Date: *
Please add any other information or questions here:
Your Phone number: *
Type Signature: *
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