Survey: NH Churches and other religious properties
The N.H. Preservation Alliance is collecting data on older religious properties to gauge their potential for housing conversions into single family, apartments, condos, etc. This includes churches/sanctuaries, meetinghouses, religious schools, parish houses, and adjoining land. Please help us by taking this short 6-question survey. To reach us directly, call 603-224-2281 or email, putting "religious properties" in the subject line. Thank you!
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Do you know of any NH congregations that are struggling to maintain their historic properties? Please share town and property name or address. 
Are you aware of any congregations that are considering selling their properties or a portion of them?  (For example, keeping the sanctuary but selling the parish house.) Please share town and property name or address. 
Do you know of any religious properties that have been converted into housing? Properties may include churches/sanctuaries, meetinghouses, religious schools, parish houses, land, etc. Housing may be single family, apartments, condos, shelter, etc.  Please share town and property name or address. 
Are you aware of any congregations that have opened their doors to the broader community in creative ways? Please describe. 
What else would you like to share?
Feel free to share your name and email if desired, and let us know whether we may contact you (not required). 
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