Duluth Branch Reading Buddies Registration Thursday, September 19, 2024

The Reading Buddies Program is for children ages 6-11 and each session lasts 15 minutes. Due to the Program's popularity and limited time slots, only pre-registered participants can attend. You are pre-registered if you receive an email with your assigned time.

Please choose a 1st and 2nd preference for your session time. The earlier times are very popular, however we'll do our best to accommodate your preference.  

If you cannot attend, please reply to the email so we can offer your spot to another child. Thank you for your cooperation!

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Child's Name *
Email address *
What is your first preference time? *
What is your second preference time? *
What is your child's reading level?  If you don't know, please ask your child's teacher.  *
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