BHA 2024-2025 Pre-registration Form

Welcome to Badminton Haven Academy (BHA), an exceptional Barrhaven based junior badminton program dedicated to nurturing talent and fostering the joy of badminton. The 2024-2025 schoool year will continue with Junior -Beginners, Intermediate, Intermediate- Advanced levels.

======Curently our registration is full for the Fall season (Sept. -Dec.) and we will inform you with any openining. ======
Once we understand your child's badminton experience, we will invite them to join the appropriate class. 

A: Beginner's - Intermediate Class 
• Wednesday 6:00-8:00 PM.
• Friday 6:00-8:00 PM. 
B: Intermediate Class: 
• Tuesday 6:00-8:00 PM. 
• Friday 6:00-8:00 PM. 
C: Intermediate - Advanced Class:
• Tuesday 8:00-10:00 PM. 
• Friday  8:00-10:00 PM. 


Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday:  St. Joseph High School, 3333 Greenbank Rd, Nepean, ON K2J 4J1
Friday: École secondaire publique Pierre-de-Blois / Pierre-de-Blois High School ,1310 Chapman Mills, Nepean, K2J 3T9,  
 Friday (beginner): École élémentaire publique Michaëlle-Jean /Michaelle Jean Public School, 11 Claridge Dr, Nepean, ON K2J 5A3 

Website: Email:

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Email *
Parent & guardian name: *
Where did you hear about us ?
Notes *
WeChat or WhatsApp id:
Please decrible your kid's badminton experiences *
Student name:  *
Phone:(xxx-xxxxxxx) *
Student Gender:  *
Birth date (year and month): *
Interest Class (When etranfer, please leave Session Code ie.Session A, your phone number and student name on your etranfer note): *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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