Grace Helping Hands Request Form
The Helping Hands ministry’s mission is to pair a person with a need around the house with someone who can Grace Helping Hands Request Form - Google Formsmeet that need.  The focus is on small projects as large ones are beyond the scope of our volunteers.

Please remember that the helper is a volunteer and not a professional.  As a volunteer, they are not expected to purchase the necessary supplies or tools.  If you can purchase them it would be great or we can put you in contact with another ministry of Grace Church that might be able to help.

This ministry wants to meet as many needs as possible while keeping everybody safe and doing all work to the best of our abilities, all to the Glory of God.  Some projects are great for our volunteers but some might be too involved or require specialized skills that our volunteers do not have.  Please clearly communicate with the ministry leaders and volunteers so that we are all on the same page.

Remember, the goal is to help with small, simple projects and anything that requires a building permit is definitely outside of our mission and should be referred to a professional.

Some possible ideas:
Handyman - general small projects inside and outside the house:

Simple carpentry, painting (a wall or a single room), plumbing or electrical projects

Cleaning – kitchen, windows, etc.

Organizing and de-cluttering

Auto Repair - small tasks maintaining and repairing a car

Computer repair - small tasks getting a computer to run and keep it running

Computer instruction and training – help learning how to use a computer

Lawn and landscaping - small projects focused on outside work to maintain or improve a home

Car rides - provide a needed ride for someone to go to church, the doctor, do shopping, or other in town locations

Moving - tasks needed to help someone move into or out of a home or apartment:
     Packing, Carrying and lifting, Cleaning

You may also call the Grace Church Office to speak with someone about your project.  (303) 772-5685
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