BCN Membership 2021 - 2022
Thank you for your interest in becoming a Birth Care Network Member!  Your membership listing will be updated as soon as possible.   Membership for 2021 and 2022 will be complimentary.  For membership type, the renewal rates are listed.  Previously, all memberships renewed in March regardless of join date. Going forward, members will be reminded to renew annually based on the date of their last renewal.

Membership WILL INCLUDE the following for each listing:

Name + Credentials (if applicable)*
Business Name (if applicable)*
Phone (unless specified to be masked below)
Email (unless specified to be masked below)

*hyperlinked to your website or facebook page (unless specified to be masked below)

We look forward to seeing you at the next meeting!  

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Name *
Business Name (if applicable)
CD(DONA), LCCE, etc.   This will follow your name in your listing.
Certifying Organization
For each credential listed, list each certification and organization through which you hold a current certification in good standing. Ex. Birth Doula - DONA International.  You may potentially be requested to provide a copy of the certificate.
Number of Births Attended (Doulas)
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Price Range
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Website or Social Media Address
Your listing will be hyperlinked to this destination.  Feel free to provide whichever social media platform you primarily use to engage with potential clients.
Would you like your site included in your listing?
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Phone Number (xxx-xxx-xxxx) *
Would you like your number displayed in your listing? *
Email Address *
Would you like your email included in your listing? *
Where should you/your business be listed on the website? *
You may check all that apply.
If "Local Businesses and Resources"
Give a *brief* description of your service (ex Parent/Caregiver-Child Music Classes, Placenta Encapsulation, Infant/Toddler Nutrition & New Mom Support Group, etc)
Membership Type *
 Midwifery or Doula groups may choose to be listed individually, as a group or both.  Please complete separate applications for the group and individual members.  
Need to be listed in a specific area that isn't clear? (ie. massage therapist, photographer, yoga teacher, etc.)  Have questions regarding membership?
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