FY2025 Pledge Form

What a year! We chose to invest in ourselves with the FY’24 operating budget, and it has paid off! 

In FY’24, we took a big step toward building for our future. Here are some highlights: 

  • We gave our staff an 8% Cost of Living Adjustments (COLA) to better align with UUA fair compensation guidelines.
  • We paid off a big chunk of our siding loan with a combination of new pledges and drawing from reserves. 
  • We established a flexible COVID policy to deal with resurgences of that infernal virus. 
  • We re-energized our commitment to social justice during the Social Justice Jubilee.
  • Best of all, we welcomed 17 new members at a time when the majority of congregations are shrinking. 
Let’s BUILD on this investment during fiscal year 2025!

Before you decide your pledge amount, please consider the Prism of Possibilities and the preliminary proposed budget for the coming year.

Questions can be directed to the Lea in the office or to the Board.
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Email *
Your Name Here  (pronouns - optional) *
My *annual* FY25 pledge (July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025) *
If you pledged in FY2024 (this year) and you would like a reminder of the amount you pledged, please see the materials sent in the mail (or contact Lea in the office).

The proposed budget relies on about $226,000 in pledges over approximately 90 pledging households or about $2500 per household. We know that there are a range of financial circumstances within our congregation and we appreciate your support at any level that works for you. Again, the Prism of Possibilities can serve as a guide.

If you are unable to pledge for the coming year, please enter zero and confirm your continued commitment in the next question.

I am unable to make a pledge this year, but I'd like to continue my membership and confirm my continued commitment to the UUSA. 

From the UUSA Bylaws: Active Members are expected to participate in the life of the community and make an annual financial contribution or indicate a continued commitment. This small affirmation allows us to know that you see yourself as part of the UUSA, despite inability to financially contribute this year.
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Pledge Statement Preference
Please check all that apply. Quarterly Pledge Statements are sent 3-4 times per year as a reminder of your pledge status. The Year End Tax Statement is sent as early in the new year as possible and will show all contributions - not just pledge payments - for your records / tax preparation. 

IF YOU DO NOT FILL IN THIS SECTION, YOU WILL NOT AUTOMATICALLY BE SENT STATEMENTS OF ANY KIND (though they are always available by request by contacting the office).
U.S. Mail
Quarterly Pledge Statement
Year End Tax Statement
Preferred payment method!
We'll take your pledge payment whenever and however it is most convenient for you. 
However, this is a good chance to share our preference for your payments of the coming year's pledge:

Automatic Monthly Online Bill Payment!
As you think about your pledge payments, the UUSA encourages you to submit checks directly from your bank via automatic online bill payment. You can set up monthly recurring payments that are equal to your yearly pledge amount divided by 12 months. This is a convenient option for those who use online banking: no need to write or send a monthly check — the bank will do it for you— avoids the need to write those bothersome checks, avoids mail delays, saves a stamp!

If you do online banking, it's as simple as logging in to your “Pay My Bills” or “Online Banking & Bill Pay” link — whichever description your bank uses — and having the funds sent directly to the UUSA office. Your bank will ask for the address for UUSA — P.O. Box 502, Amherst, MA  01004 — so they know where to send the funds. 

Alternatively, you may set up a recurring ACH payment via our website -- we ask that you cover transaction fees.
These are quite small if you link to your banking account (vs using a credit card). 

Thank you for your pledge!
If you have any questions/comments, this is a good place to share them. Or, feel free to contact the office: office@uusocietyamherst.org | 413-253-2848
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