Green Ambitions Application
Green Ambitions will provide 25 Black and Latinx youth from across the Sacramento region with greater access to green jobs. The program will enroll them in focused workplace training programs tied to their individual interests, including construction, transportation, utilities manufacturing, urban agriculture and more. Participants will also receive case management and support services, including financial literacy and life skills classes, leadership development, and mentoring. 

Eligible applicants are young people ages 16-24 who reside or attend school within the City of Sacramento. Please complete this application by responding to the questions below, submitted no later than 5pm on September 19, 2024. 
The program is funded through Community Project Funding secured by Congresswoman Doris Matsui and a grant from the NBA Foundation and managed in partnership by United Way California Capital Region, The Center at Sierra Health Foundation's My Brother's Keeper Sacramento program, and Green Technical Education and Employment
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First & Last Name *
Age *
Phone Number *
Email *
Grade *
*Sex is defined as a term assigned at birth is defined as a term used to refer to the chromosomal, hormonal and anatomical characteristics that are used to classify an individual as female or male or intersex.

I identify my sex as:

Gender Identity*
*Gender identity is defined as a person’s internal sense of their own gender.  

I identify my gender as: (Choose all that apply)

What are your preferred gender pronouns? *
Ethnicity *
What neighborhood or community do you currently live in? *
Parent or Guardian Name(s) *
Parent or Guardian Home Address *
Parent or Guardian Phone Number(s) *
Parent or Guardian Email(s) *
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