Request for access to our members-only pages
After you submit the information below, we will verify that you are a current Foothills Orienteering Club member and that you have signed the waiver. If you haven't completed those steps yet, please close this form and complete those steps.

Please wait a few days for us to respond (we are busy volunteers!). If you need a faster response or haven't heard from us, please email

The email address you enter below will be your username to access the members-only site. This email address must be for a Google Account (either ending in,, or any other email address that you have used as a username for your Google Account. If you do not yet have a Google Account, close this page and return to the previous step.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
Participant's First and Last Name *
Enter the first and last name of the Foothills Orienteering member (including SOGO) that you are requesting access for. Note that this name must be on the list of current year members and signed waivers in order to access the members-only pages.
What is the participant's membership status? *
Has the participant signed the online waiver this year (normally done during registration)? *
Please check that you received a copy of the online waiver in your email previously. If not, please stop and return to the previous instructions and submit the waiver before continuing.
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