Dear Boerengroep Enthusiast,
As we approach the year's end, join us for a captivating exploration of urban agriculture's role in today's globalized and gentrified societies. After showcasing inspiring rural realities, we turn our focus to urban landscapes, dissecting how cities tackle climate change. Our spotlight is on Rotterdam, a city built underwater, renowned for pioneering climate adaptation strategies.
Excursion Highlights:
- Bike adventure exploring three key climate adaptation sites in Rotterdam.
- In-depth exploration of the Floating Farm, a revolutionary dairy farm in the city center.
- Guided one-hour tour, detailed explanations, and Q&A session.
- Optional indulgence in a delectable dairy tasting experience.
- Date: December 12, 2023
- Time: Departure at 10 am, return by 5 pm
- Location: Radix Building (Droevendaalsesteeg 1, 6708 PB Wageningen)
Registration Information:
- Limited to 15 participants, fully subsidized by the Kick Start Fund 2023.
- First-come, first-served basis.
- Deadline for registration: December 8, 2023, by 1 pm.