SPE-DTAC Poster Session
Thanks for your interest in the SPE-DTAC Poster Session.

While the conference is primarily upstream focused, attendees will nonetheless hail from across the energy industry and around the world. We've worked hard to gather and distill from these attendees what they want from vendors and have organized this conference to satisfy their demands. For most conferences, vendors simply pay to attend and showcase their products and services. For this event, there is an additional screening process. Digital transformation is a popular topic throughout the energy industry, and along with the hype can come some events which simply ride rather than create or steer momentum. It is during such times that the quality of offerings in conferences can suffer, and so SPE is working to break from the mold by allowing to participate only those groups which meet the criteria demanded from the prospective clients and investors who will be our general attendees. Our application forms are designed with their demands in mind.

Posters will be given preference that cover case studies for successful implementations that matter to clients or were done directly with clients. The posters are targeting decision-makers in the industry, not necessarily deep technical practitioners.
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Name *
Email Address *
Phone Number *
Job Title *
Company Name *
How do you define digital transformation in the energy industry, and how does your organization fit in? *
What clearly defined problem are you solving, and what clear evidence is there that an entity in the industry wants a solution? *
What makes your solution different from and superior to the other applications we are likely to receive in your domain? *
Please describe where you are in the development of your solution. *
I understand that if my application is selected, I will still need to pay the Poster Registration fees. *
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